Ini adalah beberapa ungkapan umum yang dipakai untuk menanyakan pemahaman, mengkonfirmasi apakah sudah faham atau belum. Tentu saja masih banyak lagi ungkapan yang tidak tertulis dalam daftar kosa katai ini.
- Any questions? = Apakah ada pertanyaan?
- Are you following me? = Apakah kamu paham?.
- Are you with me so far? = Apakah kamu paham = sejauh ini?.
- Are you with me? = Apakah kamu paham?.
- Do you follow me? = Apakah kamu paham?.
- Do you get my point? = Apakah kamu paham maksudku?.
- Do you know what I am saying? = Apakah kamu paham apa yang saya sampaikan?
- Do you know what I mean? = Apakah kamu tahu maksud saya?
- Do you know what I’m saying? = Apakah kamu tahu apa yang aku katakan?.
- Do you know what I’m talking about? = Apakah kamu tahu apa yang aku bicarakan?.
- Do you understand what I’m saying? = Apakah kamu mengerti apa yang saya katakan?.
- Do you understand what I’m saying? = Apakah kamu mengerti apa yang saya katakan?
- Do you understand? = Apakah kamu mengerti?
- Got it? = Mengerti?
- Have you got it? = Apakah kamu mengerti?.
- Is it clear? = Apakah itu jelas?
Ini adalah jawaban dari pernyataan diatas, ungkapan menunjukan pemahaman.
- Gotcha. = Aku paham, dakam percakapan Informal
- I get it. = Saya memahaminya.
- I got it. = Aku paham
- I hear what you are saying. = Aku paham apa yang kamu katakan.
- I hear you. = Aku mengerti
- I know what you are talking about. = Saya tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan.
- I know what you are talking. = Saya tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan.
- I know what you mean. = Aku tahu apa yang kamu maksud.
- I know. = Saya tahu.
- I see = O.. begitu
- I see what you are saying. = Aku mengerti apa yang kamu ucapkan.
- I see what you mean. = Aku mengerti apa yang kamu maksud.
- I see. = Aku paham
- I understand what you are saying. = Saya mengerti apa yang kamu ucapkan.
- I understand. = Saya mengerti.
- I’m with you. = Aku mengerti
- Yes = ya
Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 1
Nino : Sorry to bother you
Nani: It’s Okay. What’s up?
Nino : Can you tell me how to answer these questions?
Nani: Let me see. First, you must read the text. Then, you read the questions, and focus on the paragraph. Are you with me?
Nino : What do you mean by focusing on the paragraph?
Nani: Well, to find the answer to question number 3, you must focus on paragraph two.
Nino : I see. I know what you mean. Thanks.
Nino : Sorry to bother you
Nani: It’s Okay. What’s up?
Nino : Can you tell me how to answer these questions?
Nani: Let me see. First, you must read the text. Then, you read the questions, and focus on the paragraph. Are you with me?
Nino : What do you mean by focusing on the paragraph?
Nani: Well, to find the answer to question number 3, you must focus on paragraph two.
Nino : I see. I know what you mean. Thanks.
I got it